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- Volume A Book Pages: 480

- Volume B Book Pages: 564

- Volume C Book Pages: 380

- Volume A + B + C Book Pages: 1424

- Readership: For human resource practitioners, management consultants and officers in key manpower organisations, as well as students and academic staff who are covering human resource management.


Human Resource Management in Singapore — The Complete Guide 

- Covers a wide spectrum of human resource management topics in five volumes: Employment Management, Work and Remuneration, Employee Benefits, Performance and Development, and Employee Conduct and Relations. Volumes A–C is a special bundle set consisting of the first three volumes only — Employment Management, Work and Remuneration, and Employee Benefits respectively.

- In every chapter, the WHY, WHAT and HOW are presented lucidly. The books are a must-have GPS for any human resource practitioner in Singapore. Students, academics and bosses into human resource management as well as overseas human resource practitioners will also find the books helpful and instructive.


3 Available HR Books:

1) Volume A: Employment Management

2) Volume B: Work and Remuneration

3) Volume C: Employee Benefits


Volume A: Employment Management Book Content:

- Types of Employment and Engagement of Services

- Recruitment and Selection

- Probation and Confirmation

- Notice Period

- Part-time Employment

- Transfer and Secondment of Employees

- Different Modes of Employment Exit

- Retirement and Re-employment

- Termination and Dismissal

- Retrenchment

- Transfer of Business and Employees to Another Employer


Volume B: Work and Remuneration Book Content:

- Workdays, Working Hours and Overtime

- Public Holiday and Work on Public Holiday

- Rest Day and Work on Rest Day

- Overview of Remuneration and Salary Design

- Salary Ranges

- Salary Increments

- Allowances

- Annual Wage Supplement and Variable Bonus

- Sales Commission

- Gainsharing Incentive Plans

- Salary Deductions and Salary Cut

- Salary Administration

- Salary Survey and Benchmarking

- Managing and Raising Wages of Lower-Wage Workers


Volume C: Employee Benefits Book Content:

- Annual Leave

- Sick Leave

- Other Statutory Leave

- Discretionary Leave

- Medical Benefits

- Dental Benefits

- Flexible Benefits

- Long Service Awards

- Transport Allowance and Reimbursement

- Overseas Posting Benefits and Incentives

- Work Injury Compensation

- Group Term Life and Group Personal Accident Insurance

- General Welfare and Care Practices

WS Human Resource Management in Singapore — The Complete Guide


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