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Montessori - Egg and Cup / Ball and Cup:

- At around eight months, or when your baby begins to sit unassisted, it is a time to introduce a Montessori Egg Cup/Ball Cup! As simple as it is, the egg cup is physically fascinating to babies.

- At that age, infants are fascinated by putting objects in and out of other objects and starting to observe how things fit or stack together. The Egg Cup/Ball Cup is such a simple tool for curbing their curiosity, practicing a whole-hand grip and refining essential motor skills.

- The Wooden Egg Cup/Ball Cup will motivate your baby to use both hands at the same time—a skill that’s important for actions like getting dressed, writing or riding a bicycle. An intense practice using both hands at once is necessary for improving the speed of communication between the two hemispheres of the growing brain.

Montessori Wooden Infant Toys - Egg Cup / Ball Cup


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